Regardless of whether you know exactly what you want or are looking for inspiration: We will find just the right tonality so your project can develop its full sonic potential and emotional impact.
The film “ART THAT MOVES YOU - Kunsthaus Zurich” combines art, dance and music in a moving way. We are really proud that our music has now been nominated for an 'Annual!' by Creativepool. Here you can learn about the exciting process of this project.
music Cyril Boehler - director & dop Gian Paul Lozza - editor Marko Strihic, production Rosas & Co - Kunsthaus art direction Sara Carla Nenzi
Poetry in close connection with music — this concept, often practiced by the legendary literary magazine “orte” is used in this podcast. BESPOQE is responsible for the accompanying voice recordings in the studio and the sound design of the podcast.